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Showing posts from July, 2023

Is COVID Getting Ready for Annual Parties? CDC Chief Drops a Bombshell!

Is COVID Getting Ready for Annual Parties? CDC Chief Drops a Bombshell! : Well, well, well, looks like COVID is prepping for its annual bash, and we’re all invited to join the party every year! Thanks to the ever-wise CDC Chief, Dr. Mandy Cohen, who seems to have unlocked the secret to an endless stream of COVID shots! Don’t worry, folks; just like flu shots, they’ll become as routine as your morning coffee – can’t start the year without your COVID shot, can we? So, let’s raise our vaccine syringes and toast to the anticipation of yet another eventful COVID season. Cheers!


Are Healthy Fats the Carnivore’s Secret Weapon? Exploring the Benefits of Embracing Fat in Your Diet

Are Healthy Fats the Carnivore’s Secret Weapon? Exploring the Benefits of Embracing Fat in Your Diet : Who knew that healthy fats could be the almighty secret weapon in your carnivore arsenal? So, if you’ve been skeptical about fats all this time, it’s time to put those fears aside and embrace the delicious, satisfying goodness they bring. Say goodbye to bland and boring meals, and welcome the carnivore’s not-so-secret-anymore tip: Don’t be afraid of healthy fats! Trust us, your taste buds and overall well-being will thank you for this groundbreaking revelation. Happy feasting, fellow carnivores, and may your journey be filled with flavorful fats and endless satiation! Now, go forth and conquer the world with your newfound fat-friendly attitude. Bon appétit!

Are Lawyers now Comedians? Uncovering the Dark World of Asylum Fabrication

Are Lawyers now Comedians? Uncovering the Dark World of Asylum Fabrication : Who knew that some lawyers moonlight as stand-up comedians with their creative storytelling skills? Fabricating horror stories, faking medical records, pretending to be gay – all in a day's work for these sarcastic legal geniuses! Move over, Shakespeare, because we've got a new breed of playwrights in town! With their finesse in inventing tear-jerking backstories and their impressive success rates, they might as well consider taking the stage! But let's not forget, while they may entertain with their deceit, the consequences for genuine asylum seekers are no laughing matter. Time for some serious legal reforms to dim the spotlight on this dark comedy act!

Did JP Morgan Chase Bank Close Mercola Market’s Accounts Due to Controversial Views?

Did JP Morgan Chase Bank Close Mercola Market’s Accounts Due to Controversial Views? : JP Morgan Chase Bank, the mysterious enigma of banking decisions! Closing accounts of a health company for daring to have controversial opinions? How daring of them! Perhaps they should also terminate accounts for people who prefer cats over dogs or pineapple on pizza? After all, isn't it their solemn duty to protect us from differing viewpoints? Kudos, JP Morgan Chase Bank, for single-handedly solving the world's problems, one account closure at a time. Bravo!

Russian President Vladimir Putin Approves Digital Ruble as CBDC Law Takes Effect

Russian President Vladimir Putin Approves Digital Ruble as CBDC Law Takes Effect : It seems like Russia’s digital ruble is here to give you a run for your money, quite literally! With President Putin giving his blessing and citizens getting the liberty to choose, it’s like they’re saying, “Hey, digital ruble or not, no one’s gonna force you, but hey, why not join the digital currency party, huh?” And oh, don’t worry about rushing into it; we’ve got time until 2027. So, fellow financial enthusiasts, let’s sit back, relax, and see how this digital ruble rollercoaster unfolds!

Are Climate Change Claims Based on “96% Fraudulent Data”? Unveiling the Truth behind Wildfires and Global Warming

Are Climate Change Claims Based on “96% Fraudulent Data”? Unveiling the Truth behind Wildfires and Global Warming : Who knew that a whopping 96% of climate data could be corrupted and lead to such a “hot” mess? It’s almost like some people have their thermometers placed next to a popcorn machine instead of in pristine fields. But hey, why bother with accurate data when you can just blame climate change for everything, right? So next time you hear the alarm bells ringing about a “climate emergency,” just remember, there’s a 96% chance it’s based on, well, nothing but hot air! Stay cool, folks!

Are Canadian Muslims Ruining Trudeau’s LGBT Party?

Are Canadian Muslims Ruining Trudeau’s LGBT Party? : So, is Trudeau's "LGBT Party" experiencing a not-so-glamorous showdown with Canadian Muslims over the rainbow-colored curriculum? Looks like the Prime Minister needs a new dance partner for this political tango!

Is Hunter Biden’s White House Cocaine Incident the Ultimate Punchline?

Is Hunter Biden’s White House Cocaine Incident the Ultimate Punchline? : In a bizarre turn of events, the White House cocaine discovery has transformed into the ultimate punchline, with Hunter Biden at the center of the comedic storm. As online mockery intensifies, it seems that even the walls of the iconic building couldn’t resist a taste of the action. Who knew that a simple white powder could turn into the internet’s latest obsession? With memes flying and jokes rolling, one thing is for sure: Hunter Biden’s presence in the White House just got a little more powerful than anyone could have anticipated.

Unraveling the Mysteries: Unprecedented Blood Clots Found in COVID-Vaccinated Individuals

Unraveling the Mysteries: Unprecedented Blood Clots Found in COVID-Vaccinated Individuals : Well, well, well, it seems like our trusty COVID vaccines have decided to add a dash of superhero flair to their repertoire. Move over, Spider-Man, because we now have superhuman blood clots taking the stage! Richard Hirschman, the embalming genius, has stumbled upon this never-before-seen phenomenon and generously shared it with the world. And let’s not forget our dear Jo Lindner, who tragically discovered the secret to becoming a real-life Hulk just before meeting his untimely demise. Who needs radioactive spider bites or gamma radiation when you can have fibrous clots coursing through your veins, right? So, folks, put on your capes and masks, because it’s time to embrace our newfound superpowers courtesy of the COVID vaccines! #VaccineClots #SuperheroBloodClots #EmbalmingAdventures #MedicalMarvels