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Jeff Bezos Wants Michael Bloomberg To Run For President

Amazon proprietor and the wealthiest man on the planet, Jeff Bezos, called former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and asked if he had an interest in running for the 2020 presidential elections.
Bloomberg’s candidateship would most likely be promoted by billionaire Leon Cooperman, who offered his “outright backing.”
The telephone call happened a number of months back, right after the Bezos agency abandoned the plan to construct a brand new head office in the US.
” Although polls reveal that 70% of New Yorkers support our programs and financial investments we made, a certain amount of local public servants made things very clear that they protested our presence,” the firm stated in an official announcement.

Who Better To Market Michael Bloomberg 2020 Candidacy Than Jeff Bezos?

The Amazon owner is actually not the only individual that revealed enthusiasm with promoting the Bloomberg political election initiative, still, the question remains, does Jeff Bezos's wife support it as well?.
The billionaire and originator of Omega Partners, Leon Cooperman, claimed in a meeting with the Middle East Headlines news team, that he might “also support the mayor from the Big Apple”.
” I’m a huge fan of Michael. I know him in person. He is a breath of fresh air,” said Cooperman, and said that Bloomberg “would certainly get my outright support.”
On November 9th, Bloomberg, 77, provided the required paperwork to run for the Democratic Party primaries in Alabama.
“A tough hit for Donald Trump if Michael Bloomberg runs in the United States presidential race”, some claim.
Simultaneously, this individual questions that Democrats are able to beat Donald Trump in the governmental vote-castings following year.
“Mike is progressively worried that the latest field of prospects is not really well-positioned to surpass or beat Donald Trump,” Bloomberg spokesperson Howard Wolfson pointed out in a report.
Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York City between 2002 & 2013, is the originator and exec director of the Bloomberg LP organization.
The philanthropist is likewise recognized for his battle against climate change & arms control.


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