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Is Canada’s Million Person March Against LGBT Agenda the Ultimate Parent-Teacher Meeting?

Is Canada’s Million Person March Against LGBT Agenda the Ultimate Parent-Teacher Meeting?: The riveting exploration of Canada's Million Person March against the LGBT agenda, one can't help but wonder if this nationwide gathering is the ultimate parent-teacher meeting. After all, what better way to address those pressing concerns about what's being taught in schools than with a million of your closest friends? And of course, let's not forget the sage insights of Elon Musk, the self-proclaimed expert on, well, pretty much everything. Justin Trudeau's accusation of "hate" is, of course, just a clever ploy to distract from the real issue at hand. So, dear readers, let's all gather around the virtual campfire and ponder this burning question: Is Canada's Million Person March the ultimate solution to the age-old parental quandary of "What did you learn in school today?" More on this below. Keep reading for the ultimate hot take


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