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Microsoft Company Battles with Trump Administration over E-mail Information

Government entities have requested the Supreme Court to get involved in a legal argument with Microsoft company over having access to e-mails saved in various other countries.

It’s one of numerous clashes which ‘Microsoft’ along with other technology firms that have experienced this tug of war with President Donald Trump’s federal government getting your private digital personal info that the authorities’ say they need to battle extremism and organized criminal activity.

Privacy law specialists explained companies have already been more in a position to fight since leaked classified info detailing United states surveillance programs. The most up-to-date instance has to do with email messages stored using a server in Ireland in Europe.

Late last month, federal agents convinced a judge to issue a court order to be able to get access to a Microsoft e-mail account they suspected had been utilized for drug trafficking.

At first glance the investigation was routine, however the company declared that the e-mails were out of the scope of the order. A federal appeals courtroom agreed. Late last month, the Trump government asked the Supreme Court to intervene.

Another issue to highlight in the appeal is the issues faced by judges when they try to apply the laws of varied years of antiquity with new technological developments.

In the most recent case, a drug-trafficking suspect used Microsoft’s e-mail service. In 2013, federal investigators obtained a court order under a 1986 law to access e-mails, as well as identifying user account information.

Microsoft provided the information, but went to court to defend its position not to deliver the email messages that are in Ireland. The federal appeals court in New York agreed with the company that the 1986 law does not apply outside the United states of america.

The Supreme Court explained the decision damages “hundreds, if not 1000s, of criminal investigations which range from terrorism and child pornography to scammers.”

The post Microsoft Company Battles with Trump Administration over E-mail Information appeared first on CTN News.

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