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Bury a pet in the garden

Bury your pet is always something painful, in addition, it can also be very expensive. Here is some food for thought.

In some Autonomous Communities, burying a pet in the garden can stick you with very high fine, because it is not permitted to do so in many places and only incineration or burial in an animal cemetery is allowed if it exists.

Other Autonomous Communities have no problem in authorizing the owners of animals to bury a pet in the garden or in any other land on their property, provided that it does not pose a problem for public health.

How much does it cost to incinerate a dog or a cat?

Incinerate a dog or a cat of less than 25 kg can cost around 30 euros if done collectively and from 100 euros if done individually.

At this price we would have to add the urn in which the ashes would be delivered.

Paying more than 100 euros can be an excessive expense for some people, especially when the animal dies after a long and expensive veterinary process.

But collective incineration is not an option to some as most feel they are failing their pet. Also, they would not have any memories of their animal.

The same happens in the municipalities where they are responsible for collecting deceased pets.

It is free, but the pet will go to a crematorium together with many other animals.

Therefore, when you own a house with a garden or have some land, many owners prefer to bury a pet there and always have it nearby.

If you are allowed to do it in your area, you should be careful to do it well.

How should you bury a pet?

Obviously, the issue of burying a pet is not pleasant, but it is necessary to know how to do it if the decision is made. 

A very deep hole is needed and it is advisable to use quicklime. The lime helps to prevent insects or other animals digging up the body, attracted by the smell.

No type of box should be used, since in that way it would take much longer to decompose.

It is about facilitating, that the animal becomes part of the earth quickly and cleanly. Later, a memorial tree can be planted in that spot.

The post Bury a pet in the garden appeared first on Pet Analyzer.
from Pet Analyzer


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