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First Aid for Puppies

Start by organizing a First Aid Kit for Puppies Include such items as a thermometer, ice packs, gloves, towels, meat flavored baby foods, tweezers, scissors, peroxide, and alcohol wipes.

A small toolbox works nicely for keeping all the items together in one place. Under the cover, write your name, address, phone number, and the vet’s name and number in case you lose the box.

For bleeding, apply direct pressure until bleeding stops. Hold for at least ten minutes and bandage wound.

For burns including chemical, electrical, or heat, you will see swelling, redness of skin, and blistering. Run the wound under plenty of cool water. Ice the injured part for twenty minutes. Make sure to wrap the ice pack in a towel first. Call vet immediately.

Diarrhea can cause some serious issues for your pup. Take food away for twelve to twenty-four hours, but leave some water available. Some animals that look constipated are actually sore from diarrhea. If the puppy doesn’t improve, call the vet.

Heatstroke can be quite scary.

You will see rapid or difficulty breathing, vomiting, high body temperature and weakness. Run cool water over the animal. Wrap the pup in a cool wet towel and stop all ministrations when temp is 103 degrees. Call vet immediately.

If you think the dog has fractured a limb, call the vet immediately. Look for bleeding wounds and signs of shock. DO NOT try to set fracture yourself, you could do more damage without being aware of it. Transport animal to vet and support limb gently as you can.

If your pup sustains bite wounds from another animal, you must avoid getting bitten. Even non-biting dogs will bite when in pain. Clean the wound with saline and wrap with gauze to keep clean. If bleeding profusely, apply pressure.

Don’t ever use a tourniquet. Do wear gloves because you don’t know the extent of the contamination

The post First Aid for Puppies appeared first on Pet Analyzer.
from Pet Analyzer


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