Yes, yes, yes, wow, wow, wow, you and I knew it … well, tributes to Joaquín Luqui aside, today we are going to talk about music for pets . We tend to assume that what we like, our animals must like, that’s why we give them sweets, dress them and groom them (although not the other way around, we do not eat their cookies or lick our genitals, although this last one by disability than anything else). In the case of music, I am sure that we are right, that our animals also like it. There are abundant studies, praising the high value of music therapy in animals. In fact, anyone who has lived with animals and played music at the same time will have verified the fact. The music has for dogs, cats and pets (farm) in general an impressive reassuring effect. In fact, that is the primary application of animal music therapy: to calm the animal and combat the stressful situations of its day to day. Helps to relax aggressive or hyperactive pets, and tolerate bette...