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Music For Pets? Yes, and Here’s Reason Why

Yes, yes, yes, wow, wow, wow, you and I knew it … well, tributes to Joaquín Luqui aside, today we are going to talk about music for pets
We tend to assume that what we like, our animals must like, that’s why we give them sweets, dress them and groom them (although not the other way around, we do not eat their cookies or lick our genitals, although this last one by disability than anything else).
In the case of music, I am sure that we are right, that our animals also like it. 
There are abundant studies, praising the high value of music therapy in animals. 
In fact, anyone who has lived with animals and played music at the same time will have verified the fact. The music has for dogs, cats and pets (farm) in general an impressive reassuring effect.
The 40 animals, music for pets
In fact, that is the primary application of animal music therapy: to calm the animal and combat the stressful situations of its day to day. 
Helps to relax aggressive or hyperactive pets, and tolerate better when the owner leaves the house or visit the veterinarian.
 There are compositions created specifically for this purpose, although it is a matter of using music as an educational element.

There is music created specifically for pets

Music calms animals or the savage beast as they say, but we can also take advantage of music as a playful and entertaining expression. 
Try to “sing” or “dance” with your pet, you may get more than one surprise; dogs are especially prone to follow and accompany the melodious and rhythmic sounds made by their owners.
It is said that classical music is the one they like the most; but I do not know who done the survey. 
It will be because they do not know my cat, who loves the rock steady and the ska of the first era, although I’ve also caught him putting in some other progressive rock album of the seventies from time to time. 
In short, they are new age discs specifically created for them, whether they are classical compositions, or contemporary popular music, I encourage you to do the test with your favorite animals. 
Do not put headphones on them, just put on music and watch them; You will see how music acts as a stimulation that can serve to calm and make our pets happier.
The post Music For Pets? Yes, and Here’s Reason Why appeared first on Pet Analyzer.
from Pet Analyzer


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