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Artificial Intelligence ... what have we learned through natural ignorance?

I found artificial intelligence, or AI, to be thoroughly intriguing. 

As I continued my work, and expanded into other areas of knowledge management and, eventually, remote viewing, I began to find some unusual inconsistencies in the AI world and the desires to create "truly intelligent" and "thinking" machines.
That small inkling of creativity still did not allow me to delve as deeply into the topic as I had wanted. It did bring up the question: 

Image result for artificial intelligence

"what is a soul?"

-- What is AI?--.

It is similar to the task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable. Different types and levels of intelligence occur in people, animals, and some machines.

-- The Biological Parallel Computer--.

It is difficult to imagine that so much information and activity could be stored in such a small amount of tissue and fluid. The mind appears to be a way to pre-process data for storage and a way to analyze data for use while all the time maintaining a connection for data storage and acquisition with this knowledge base.

This knowledge base surrounds us with information and intelligence. The information presented by this bio-circuit consists of an accessible and limitless Universal source of knowledge.

Image result for artificial intelligence
-- Why be creative?--.

The important thing that I learned along the way is that, without creativity, there can be no progress.

Creativity is a way to expand one's consciousness by taking abstract ideas and turning them into a new reality.

Without creativity, you would do the same things that you've always done in life without ever moving forward or backward. When you think creatively, you're taking things that you know, applying it to things that you don't, and devising a solution to achieve a goal.

To access the vast resources of creativity, the mind reaches into the bio-circuit and extracts bits and pieces of information that it can use to create intelligent solutions. By developing your creative abilities, you are opening that circuit to more knowledge, a greater intellect, and a broader understanding of life.

-- What is the soul anyway?--.

A discussion of creativity once again brings up the question of: "what is the soul?" After some thought and evaluation, I would have to say that the soul is the link, the transceiver, between our physical world and the bio-circuit. 

It is the living essence of everything within each of us.

By closing ourselves off into our own worlds and hiding our souls under the muck and mire of challenges, we close off our connection to the bio-circuit. Our soul essentially dies and we become a stand-alone computer with only the knowledge we have saved as our guide. By working to bring your soul forward and using your creativity in everything you do, you can acquire knowledge from every part of the Universe.

-- True AI--.

Storage, intelligence, self-learning, and processing are all components of AI. It provides control over our bodies and accepts stimuli; however, what if the ideas of processing, intelligence, storage, and self-learning all truly based on the connection of our minds with the bio-circuit.

-- What's next?--.

It wasn't until I began remote viewing that I was able to see and apply the ideas of Universal intelligence to the ideas of artificial intelligence. 

I will say that the true nature of intelligence will not be realized until we understand and believe the true purpose and function of the soul.

I found artificial intelligence, or AI, to be thoroughly intriguing. It is similar to the task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable. 

It provides control over our bodies and accepts stimuli; however, what if the ideas of processing, intelligence, storage, and self-learning all truly based on the connection of our minds with the bio-circuit. 

It wasn't until I began remote viewing that I was able to see and apply the ideas of Universal intelligence to the ideas of artificial intelligence. 

I will say that the true nature of intelligence will not be realized until we understand and believe the true purpose and function of the soul.


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