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Caring for all my pets to help them stay in good health

If you are in the process of deciding whether or not to adopt a pet, the very first question that you should ask yourself (and your family members, if they will be involved in caring for your new pet) and whether you are fully prepared for each and every aspect of caring for your pet for the duration of your pet’s life.

Deciding to care for an animal shouldn’t really be too much different from deciding to have a child.

You will be responsible for each aspect of this pet’s care for the full length of its life, which will hopefully be a good long while.

Affordability is an enormous thing to factor in when considering proper pet care.

There are numerous aspects of affordability to be considered. You must be able to pay for all of the necessary food and accoutrements for the duration (collars, leashes, beds, harnesses, carriers, kennels, litter boxes, grooming and other necessities). You must be able to afford yearly trips to the vets and to keep your pet both tested for disease and updated with all of the required shots, etc. You must be prepared for medical emergencies, and if necessary, to provide for care for your pet when you are away. In addition to food and medical care, you might wind up needing to pay for obedience classes for a dog, you would need to pay for litter for an indoor cat, you would need to buy a cage for a bird, and so on. It can all add up!

Other factors to consider are time and space. If you don’t have a yard, are you prepared to take the time to walk your dog numerous times a day and to make sure it gets the exercise it needs?

Do you have the time to give heaps of affection to a dog and to keep your pet well-groomed and happy?

To always keep your pet well-fed and watered? Is there enough room in your home to accommodate whatever pet you are considering? Will they fit well in to the life your living, schedule-wise? If you live alone and have a dog in an apartment, is there someone who can walk him for you when that meeting runs late or your car breaks down? If you have a pet and your best friend/mother/boyfriend is allergic, is there a separate but comfortable and roomy enough place for your pet to be in while you’re being visited by someone with allergies?

Lastly, you must consider the attachment that will inevitably grow between you and your pet. It is incredibly easy to fall “so in love” with your pet that when they age, many people lose sight of the fact that their beloved animal is suffering. Far too many people allow a pet to live a less than happy life for too long, thinking that as long as it “hasn’t given up”, it must be okay.

Often times, this is not the case and a pet suffers needlessly because we lose our objectivity. We must be able always to see what’s in our pet’s best interest and to be capable of doing the right thing when the time comes. If you feel certain that you can handle all of these responsibilities, then get right out to your local shelter and save an animal’s life. Caring for (and being cared for by!) a pet can be a very healthy and rewarding experience.

Social compatibility.

Second, there’s the question of social fit: how comfortably will the pet adapt itself to the dynamics of yours domestic life, your work habits, your financial situation, your daily schedule?

How suited is the living in harmony with the people in your household, your children, your spouse, your significant other?…………..
from Pet Analyzer


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