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Tied Up Dogs: Form of Animal Abuse

Lately there seems to be a greater awareness of a fact that, until recently, seemed totally normal in many towns: Tied Up Dogs.

The dog as an alarm system or deterrent system for thieves was and unfortunately continues to be, something normal in factories or work places. Dog was tied to a chain that allowed him to move just enough to control the door and was left like this throughout the day and also throughout the night.

In many cases, the animal spends its entire life tied to the chain , never visiting a veterinarian, eating leftovers and enduring the sun, the rain and whatever has to come. 

Dirty, fleas and malnourished.

Besides being extremely cruel, this can be very dangerous . 

Some become very scary, they fear everyone, but others develop aggressiveness.

If the dog is accidentally released, it could attack any animal or person it crosses because of all that accumulated rage, lack of socialization and energy that has never been allowed to burn .

Dogs in houses as watchmen

In many houses it was common to have the dog tied with a chain at the door, with a shelter where he could take refuge and with his food. 

He was tied there for part of the day and another part was released so he could run and exercise. But even this is harmful to the animal.

The correct thing is to have a kennel of a suitable size so that the animal can move with total freedom and not be tied in a small and restricted space.

But in addition, many people have their dog on a farm to watch and protect and do not go more than once a week just to leave food and fresh water.

The animal is alone, without the affection and attention of the people, which is also cruel to him and very harmful to his behavior.

Animals are living beings that can not be treated as an alarm system exclusively.

They have needs that must be met and they need freedom and also the affection of the people.



The post Tied Up Dogs: Form of Animal Abuse appeared first on Pet Analyzer.
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