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Where Does Your Pet Rodent Live?

Many families choose to have a pet rodent as a pet because they believe that it is an animal that involves very little responsibility and that needs little work.
But we must not forget that it is a living being and that, as such, it must  have its needs met.

We could even say that he also has the right to be happy and that, therefore, he/she deserves to live with certain comforts.

Some people take this to the extreme and have a special room built so that the rodent can be comfortable and do all the exercise they need. It does not have to be a very large room, a balcony that is not too cold or hot can be the ideal space.

You can even create several floors for the animal to go up and down , have their wheels and have a great time without having to live in a small cage.
But obviously, we can not all allow something like this, so the usual thing is for a pet like a hamster to live in a cage . Living in a cage does not have to imply that it has to be poorly attended.

The first thing is to choose a cage as large as possible.

We must take into account the space available and, of course, the budget. But ideally, the cage should have a minimum of two floors so the pet can have more space to exercise.
You will also have a place to do the personal deed, although that may not be respected by the animal. And an opposite area where you will have your water, always available, and your food.

Many animals respect this scrupulously, instinctively, while others are more fickle. But you have to give them the opportunity to do it.

You will also have a play area where you can exercise and enjoy the free time, which is going to be a lot.

That’s why wheels, tunnels and other toys are so important in the life of pet rodents.

In some cases, they will also need to have places to sharpen nails or wear the teeth down, depending on the chosen species.

The cage should be cleaned daily , changing the base that is dirty, removing the pee and poop and the remains of food in poor condition.

It is also good that the animal leaves the cage to change its habitat . 

Many people what they do is take it to a safe space, such as the bathroom or a space delimited with a fence specially designed for it, so they run while cleaning the cage.

With all these cares we make sure that our pet rodent is very happy.

The post Where Does Your Pet Rodent Live? appeared first on Pet Analyzer.
from Pet Analyzer


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