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Do you know what petofilia is?

When you have a pet you want to take care of it and make it as good as possible. This is normal and it is also desirable. An animal is a living being that carries many responsibilities.

Many people adopt a dog or a cat and have no problem staying at home to take care of it if they get sick, even if this means not being able to do their normal social life.
They buy good quality food, take care of their hair and pamper it with toys.

They can even buy them some clothes.

The problem comes when these people begin to make their whole lives revolve around their pets , their care and their pampering, being the biggest priority in their life even against their own desires.

The exaggerated love

There are very obvious cases of disorder in the love of animals.

One of the best known is Noe syndrome. Who suffers it thinks they are saving animals that have problems but, in fact, it has them in their home in bad conditions putting at risk their own health and also the pet.

An excess of attention .

Large amounts of money are spent on buying clothes or toys for the animal, even to the detriment of the economy itself. And social life is renounced in order to always be with the pet.
In some cases, the person would like to be able to lead another kind of life, but is unable to do so and feels that he or she has that obligation towards the furry partner.

A fictitious obligation since your pet does not need to be by your side all the time. On the contrary, this excess of attention can cause the animal to end up developing problems such as excessive dependence on the human.

A definition given by the experts on petofilia is “we are faced with a case of petofilia if the affected only feels satisfaction when he has contact with irrational beings and isolates himself from his surroundings, if he completely limits his way of life or if the individual engaged in this anomalous link wants to be separated from him but he feels unable to do so ”
Loving and caring for your pet is always good, but doing it in a sickly way is detrimental to both .

As always, moderation is important.

The post Do you know what petofilia is? appeared first on Pet Analyzer.
from Pet Analyzer


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