While I was in Vegas last week attending the RightOnline conference NetRoots, the ultra/lib/progressive organization was down the road having their own little confab.
And I need to emphasize little.
And I figured with me being in such close proximity to them it would be an excellent time and place to see what they are up to. So I decided to attend. Undercover.
This group claimed to have unprecedented attendees so I took my camera and strolled on down there twice. To emptiness.
The first clue that they were “clueless” about spies was they ignored the name on my badge which said “Mrs. James Bond, shaken not stirred.” The best place to find all their propagandaliterature was in the exhibit hall.
First up they handed me a NetRoots tote bag and I went down the line of pitiful looking tables tossing their propaganda literature into my bag. Of course all the usual lib orgs were there, like MoveOn, SEIU, AFSCME.
I cozied up to all the table-sitters questioning them about their fliers and their ultra-liberal crapola and took some pics. Here’s a pic of the free T-shirt I was given plastered with all the propaganda badges like “boycott BP,” “stop the bullshit” from AFSCME, “I love pro-choice boys” and ” Michele Bachmann, the Tea Party Torchbearer.” And let’s not forget the “FreePress, no to Big Media” one.
That T-shirt better had been free, after I paid the exorbitant $295 entrance fee.
I especially loved the poster dissing one of my fav Reps, Michele Bachmann. Calling her the “Tea Party Torchbearer”:
But we all know that Michelle can stand up to this. Go Michele!! And the SEIU display was great. Even the nonchalant couch potato manning the booth:
My fav place to relax and take a load-off was a small “lounge” set aside with colorful, blowup recliners and the words “Sponsored by the Daily Kos.” Great! Who could have resisted those plastic chairs?
And this booth was really special, the “Boycott BP” one. They did a lot of arm-twisting a la SEIU and made me sign their petition! Sorry, guys. But it’s only one out of about ten? maybe?
I listened to a woman lecture me how we needed to stop all oil and gas drilling and coal mining as well and go completely to solar and wind. Let’s see Alec Baldwin fill up that big gas tank in his SUV with wind. Although I expect he already has enough of it coming out of his mouth. I’ve spent the last couple of days going through my bag of goodies. I just dumped it out when I got home and took a pic of it all:
BTW, they really DO hate Glenn Beck. But we already knew that.
I had a great time. I am still going through all the propaganda literature. But I also discovered they have another Messiah. Besides the One in the Oval Office.
Dude by the name of Maitreya. From Kenya. But wait! Ain’t that the home of Barack HUSSEIN Obama? Don’t quote me on that. I could be wrong…
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