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James Comey Abandons Anonymity on Twitter

The former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Mr. James Comey, who was fired back in May by the president himself, Donald Trump, left today the pseudonym used in his Twitter account after he was identified as the user “@FormerBu” .

Comey changed the user to “@Comey” and associated it with his real name, since he used the alias last,  the title chosen was that of Reinhold Niebuhr, in reference to the theologian on whom the former FBI director wrote a thesis back in university.

“This is my new platform. Glad to be part of the Twitter universe. I am grateful to Reinhold for having covered me in recent years, “Comey joked on the social network about the anonymity kept in the account after it was created in February 2014.

When the true authorship of the account was discovered, the number of followers amounted to 55,000 and, by noon today, had already exceeded 220,000.

The autobiography has also been modified and now reads: “Ex-director of the FBI. Currently, husband and father writing and talking about ethical leadership. Higher and fun in person. “

Before ending with anonymity, Comey had tweeted a picture of a man in the middle of a road that seemed to be himself, along with a text in which promised to tweet “in a useful way.”

The confirmation that it was Comey, who was behind that user with the helping hand of his friend and director of the law publication Lawfare, Benjamin Wittes, who said on Twitter that “now that this last tweet has been published, I can confirm that @FormerBu is, in fact, James Comey. “

Trump fired Comey last May arguing an alleging mismanagement of the FBI investigation into the handling of emails made by his opponent in the 2016 elections, the Democrat Hillary Clinton, when she was Secretary of State (2009-2013).

But congressmen and analysts suspect that, in reality, the current president sought to remove Mr. Comey from the investigation into the alleged interference by Russia in the elections in order to benefit the Trump campaign.

The former director of the FBI participated in a hearing last June in which he revealed the “worrisome” terms in which the conversations had been held with President Trump, in which, he said, the president told him to “let the investigation” pass, to his ex-national security adviser, Michael Flynn, for his links with the Kremlin.

Comey is currently writing a book that, according to his editorial, Flatiron Books, will deal with “what is good and ethical leadership, and how it guides sound decisions”, and will include “anecdotes” from his career.

The post James Comey Abandons Anonymity on Twitter appeared first on Conspiracy Talk News.

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