Connor McDavid’s decision to dress as U.S president Donald Trump was welcome with lots of back-lashing on social media. The Edmonton Oilers captain and his girlfriend Lauren Kyle dressed America’s first couple in a photo first posted on Lauren’s Instagram account on Monday night. McDavid rocked a black suit and a red tie plus a messy blond wig as the couple posed for the photo which was captioned on Instagram with Trump’s controversial mantra “make America grow again” before it was edited to “Mr. and Mrs. Trumpus.” The photo garnered over 4700 like followed by a rush of angry comments. One Instagram user who was apparently unpleased by the initial could be quoted as saying “The caption is all kinds of tone deaf, specially seeing as that ‘catch phrase’ is used by Trump to promote racism/homophobia, etc!,”. Twitter users weren’t any less pissed. One of them wrote “figures that the first time Connor Mcdavid showed even a hint of personality it would be to showcase that he’s actual...