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2018 kicks off California “sanctuary law” to limit local cooperation with ICE and reduce arrests

CALIFORNIA (Conspiracy Talk News) – This is what the new measure will do, which goes into effect on January 1 and is already changing the way that the Sheriff’s agencies and prisons in California operate, among other institutions.

A few days into the implementation of the California Securities Act, various law enforcement agencies, activists and organisations are preparing for a change in the way immigration arrest and transfer from the state to federal immigration authorities is carried out. .

Although the new law does not offer a total “sanctuary”, that is to say, it does not prevent the Immigration and Customs Agency (ICE) from doing its work in this state, it limits local cooperation in this regard.

SB 54 has already had its consequences , days before going into effect

For example, the Orange County Sheriff’s Department announced Wednesday it had to cancel its 287g program of cooperation with immigration authorities and the Monterey County sheriff said last Friday that it has removed the ICE office from its local jail.

Organizations from the Inland Empire, a high-immigrant Southern California region, are in constant dialogue with Riverside and San Bernardino bailiffs to ensure they change their policy of responding to all arrest warrants that come to them from ICE.

As of January 1, bailiffs, who run California jails, as well as other law enforcement agencies such as municipal police, will not be able to automatically transfer the immigrants in their custody that are required by ICE, unless they have committed a series of serious crimes specified by law.

In fact, under the new law, local prisons will not be able to inform ICE of the day they plan to release these immigrants as they have done so far.

The law does not protect immigrants who are convicted from a list of crimes – quite extensive – that the law considers serious.

“They will not be able to continue acting as they have done so far,” said Jellaya Dunlap, emergency response coordinator for the Inland Immigrant Justice Coalition. ” This law goes one step further than the previous 2013 law, the Confidence Act and prevents sheriffs from handing over to ICE migrants who have untruthful arrests or traffic fines.”

The California Securities Act was approved this year in response to the election of Donald Trump and the changes it implemented by executive order and in the immigration courts.

As of Jan. 25, immigration agencies stopped putting serious offenders as a priority for arrest and expanded again the type and number of arrest warrants they sent to local law enforcement agencies 

When the priorities disappeared, any undocumented immigrant or even with documents, was in danger of arrest and deportation.

According to De Leon, the author of the measure, the new law “puts a wall of justice between immigrants who are not criminals and the Trump government.”

“The law will not stop ICE from wandering the streets and will not provide a full sanctuary, but it will put obstacles to the perverse and inhumane machinery of deportation,” said De León the day Governor Jerry Brown signed the law. “California will not waste its resources of public safety to persecute immigrants who respect the law.”

They prepare educational activities on new law

The various immigrant advocacy organisations in California are organising to enforce the law and have immigrants informed of their rights.

Grisel Ruiz, of the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, one of the organizations that helped design the measure, said they are focusing on supporting its implementation in various ways.

“We will be working with lawyers, organisers and community leaders so that they have all the tools they need in the use of this law and in defense of any unconstitutional action of this government,” said Ruiz.

The specific effect of the law is expected to be to reduce the arrest of undocumented immigrants who have not been convicted of serious crimes and to minimise the cooperation of local law enforcement agencies such as police and sheriffs, as well as other local institutions – schools. , universities, hospitals – with the immigration authorities.

Essentially, California is telling the federal government that it will only cooperate in deporting immigrants convicted of serious crimes and that ICE will not cooperate beyond what this law does.

However, ICE has threatened to increase raids on the streets and work centres to counter these limits.

“The law eliminates all cooperation and communication with our law enforcement partners in the state,” Thomas Homan, acting director of ICE, said in October.

We will have no choice but to make large-scale arrests in residential and work areas, “said Homan. ” We will also have to arrest people detained in California but in jails out of state.”

What changes with the new “sanctuary” or values ​​law?

SB54 does not prevent the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from doing its work in California, but prohibits state or local resources from being used in immigration tasks and does not allow local law enforcement agencies to enter into 287g contracts with the federal government to migratory tasks.

It also establishes that “sensitive” places such as schools, libraries, hospitals and shelters are prohibited from collaborating with ICE in the arrest of immigrants, especially when there is no judicial order signed by a judge.

The police and sheriff will not be able to request the status of the people or arrest them for migratory purposes only. The law does not prevent the police from fingerprinting a California resident, arrested for a criminal offense, and share this information with federal agencies.

But the law also places severe limits on communication between local agencies and immigration authorities. For example, the local agency or jail will not be able to notify ICE of the release date of a detainee, unless he is convicted of a serious and / or violent crime.
Local prisons will not be allowed to grant office space to ICE agents to review detainee lists and put preventive detainers on immigrants.

The 287g agreements that create contracts between the sheriff’s agencies, which manage county jails and the federal agency ICE, are prohibited so that the former assist in identifying and transferring undocumented immigrants for deportation.

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