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Doug Ford – Conservative Party leads in Ontario

According to a new poll, the Doug Ford conservative party would win the provincial elections with a strong majority if they were held today. For its part, the NDP would form the second political force of the province.

What did the survey show?

According to the result of the survey carried out by the Forum Research company on April 18, 46 percent of voters would support the conservative party, 27 percent would vote for the NDP and only 21 percent for the Liberals.

Four percent of respondents said they would vote for the green party, while two percent expressed support for other parties.

What Does That Mean In Seats? 

Translated into seats, the Forum poll said conservatives would win 94 of the 122 seats available in the provincial parliament, the NDP would win 23 seats, while the Liberals would win only seven seats, not enough to maintain official party status and the privileges provided by the legislature.

Who Did They Think Would Win?

When respondents were asked who they thought would win, regardless of their personal choice, 54 percent of respondents said they thought conservatives would win, while 19 percent said liberals and 10 percent said they would win.

Forum places the approval rating of the liberal leader Wynne at 18 percent, conservative leader Doug Ford at 37 percent and Horwath at 37 percent as well.

Do people still like Wynne?

Nearly three-quarters of respondents said they did not approve of Wynne’s leadership, while 40 percent disapproved of Ford and 32 percent disapproved of Horwath, which means she is the only one of the three who has a favourable opinion to the network among the respondents.

The survey was conducted using interactive voice response technology and reached 1,126 voters in Ontario.

The data has a margin of error of minus three percent.

Two days before the survey was conducted, the conservative party had launched its party platform, which highlighted the following issues: serious criticism of the health service of the province, creation of higher corporate taxes for the pharmaceutical industry and the re-purchase of Hydro One to turn it into a company in the province.

The post Doug Ford – Conservative Party leads in Ontario appeared first on Conspiracy Talk News.

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