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How to Take Care of Your Puppy

Whenever your pup first arrives, let him sniff around and make himself comfortable with his environment; then introduce him to his bed.

Introducing the pup into the household has to be carried out with care. Your house is filled with strange sights, smells and sounds he may discover exciting, but somewhat overwhelming.

He’ll be missing his mother, sisters and brothers, and will look for you and your loved ones to replace the company, comfort and safety he has left behind. Don’t scold or speak harshly to him in the first couple of days even if he’s destructive or makes a mess – in his confused state, he might only learn how to fear you.

This initiation period should be a pleasant time where you and your pup can get to know one another, and he learns to trust you, thus forming the basis for a happy life together. Ask the breeder to get a bit of bedding that’s been connected with the mother and dogs so the pup has a smell of home. Do not wash the part of bedding for a minimum of one week.

Be consistent and use it as you speak to him – that he will soon learn how to respond. Young children in the household have to be educated that puppies aren’t toys. Sleep is as important to your puppy as it is for a baby, so don’t disturb him when he’s resting. Don’t deprive established pets of your focus, or they might become jealous of the new arrival.

Make the introductions slowly, on neutral territory and under constant supervision. Never leave a brand new puppy alone with an older dog or cat. Feed them separately until they’ve become friends. For the first couple of nights, your pup will most likely be restless and whimper when he is left alone.

Wrapping a water bottle and a ticking clock in a blanket and putting it into his bed can be quite reassuring for a new puppy. However, these items should not be made from plastic or rubber or the pup may chew them. This report tells you how you can take care of your pet during his first few days in your property.

It’s ideal to receive your new puppy in a time when you can give him your organization and undivided attention for a couple of days as he settles in.
from Pet Analyzer


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