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Trump reloads against former FBI Director James Comey

US President Donald Trump returned today to charge former FBI Director James Comey, whom he accused of breaking the law by publishing controversial memorandum with details of his talks with the president.

“James Comey’s memos are classified, I did not declassify them, they belong to our government! So, he broke the law!” Trump said in his Twitter account, two days after the US Department of Justice will deliver the controversial notes to the leaders of three committees of the House of Representatives.

The seven documents in question, which detail seven conversations between Trump and Comey, are supposedly a central part of the investigation of the so-called Russian plot, which after the dismissal of Comey passed into the hands of special prosecutor Robert Mueller.

Comey, through a friend, delivered one of those memoranda to The New York Times to uncover Trump’s alleged attempts to close the Russian investigation.

In one of his tweets, Trump denied the information that appears in the memorandum of Comey, whom he described as a “liar”, and said that the Comey “totally invented many of the things” he wrote.

In the documents, made public by the American press, Trump’s derogatory comments about the “cloudiness” of the Russian investigation are repeated, as well as references to Trump’s alleged encounter with prostitutes back in 2013 in Moscow, an incident included in a dossier of the British ex-spy Christopher Steele.

That dossier assures that Trump asked several prostitutes to urinate, while he watched, on the mattress of the same presidential suite at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Moscow where his predecessor, former President Barack Obama, and his wife, Michelle Obama had stayed. .

In his conversations with Comey, Trump repeatedly denied what he called “the golden rain thing” and even told him that “the bitches did not make sense” and that he was part of the “false news”.

The post Trump reloads against former FBI Director James Comey appeared first on Conspiracy Talk News.

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