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100 SEO Secrets for Higher Google Ranking in 2018

SEO – Age of the domain : Google takes into account the age of a domain at the time of positioning, but does not give it much importance compared to :

  1. Keyword in the domain : It does not have the impact of time, but having the keyword in the domain is still a sign of relevance.
  2. Keyword as the first word of the domain : A domain that starts with its target keyword has an advantage over sites that do not use it or that place it in the center or end of its domain.
  3. Domain registration length : Valuable domains are paid in advance for several years, while the rest are rarely used for more than one year. Therefore, the date a domain expires can be used as a factor in predicting the legitimacy of a domain.
  4. Keyword in the subdomain name : If the keyword appears in the subdomain, you can boost the ranking.
  5. Domain history : A site with volatile property (via whois) can tell Google to “reset” the site’s history, denying the links that point to the domain.
  6. Exact match domain : It can be an advantage if the site is of quality. But if not, due to the latest updates from Google, it is vulnerable to penalty.
  7. Public vs. Private WhoIs: Private WhoIs information can be a sign that “there is something to hide”. Therefore, the best option is to keep it public.
  8. WhoIs Owner Penalized : If Google identifies a particular person as a spammer, it makes sense to investigate other sites owned by that person.
  9. Country TLD Extension : Having a Country Code Level Domain (.es, .fr, .it) helps site ranking for that particular country … but limits the site’s ability to position globally.

Page factors 

Keyword in the title tag : The title tag is the second most important part of the web page (in addition to the content of the page) and, therefore, sends a strong SEO signal on the page.

  1. The title tag begins with the keyword : Title tags that start with a keyword tend to have better results than the title tags with the keyword at the end of the tag.
  2. Keyword in the label description : Another sign of relevance. It’s not especially important, but it still makes a difference.
  3. The keyword appears on the H1 tag : The H1 tags are a “second title tag” that sends another signal of relevance to Google.
  4. The keyword is the most used in the content : That a keyword appears more than any other probably acts as a signal of relevance.
  5. Content length : Google prefers extensive content to surface articles. The length of the content is related to the search engine position.
  6. Keyword density : Although it is not as important anymore, Google uses keyword density to determine the theme of a web page.
  7. Keywords LSI : LSI keywords help search engines extract the true concept of words with more than one meaning. The presence of LSI also acts as a signal of content quality.
  8. Keywords LSI in title and description : As with the content of the web page, the LSI keywords in page meta tags help Google to discern between synonyms. It can also act as a signal of relevance.
  9. Speed ​​of loading pages through HTML : Google and Bing use the speed of page loading as a classification factor. Search engine spiders can estimate the speed of a site fairly accurately based on the code of the page and the size of the file.
  10. Duplicate content : Identical content (even slightly modified) can negatively influence the visibility of a site.
  11. Rel = Canonical : When used correctly, the use of this tag may prevent Google from considering duplicate pages of content.
  12. Speed ​​of loading pages through Chrome : Google can also use the user data of Chrome to get a better handle of the loading time of a page, since it takes into account the speed of the server, the use of CDN and other signals of site speed not related to HTML.
  13. Optimization of images : The images send a lot of information through its file name, alternative text, title, description and legend. So we must optimize images for SEO .
  14. Constant content updates: The Google update favors recently updated content, especially for time-sensitive searches. To highlight the importance of this factor, Google shows the date of the last update of a page.
  15. Magnitude of content updates : Adding or removing entire sections is a more meaningful update than changing a few words.
  16. Page Update History : The frequency of page updates over time also tells Google that the content of that site is refreshed periodically.
  17. Location of keywords : Having a keyword in the first 100 words of the content of a page is an important factor of relevance.
  18. Keyword in H2, H3 : Having your keyword in a subtitle H2 or H3 also influences the relevance, although it seems to a lesser extent.
  19. Order of the words in the keyword : An exact match between the search and the keyword of the content of a page classifies better than the same keyword phrase ordered differently.
  20. Outbound Link Quality : Many SEOs believe that linking to authority sites allows you to send trusted signals to Google.
  21. Topic of the outbound link : Search engines can use the content of the pages to which you link as a signal of relevance.
  22. Grammar and spelling : A good use of grammar and spelling indicate quality in the content.
  23. Syndicated content : Is the content of the page original? If it is copied from an indexed page, it will not classify as well as the original.
  24. Useful supplementary content : It is an indicator of the quality of a page and therefore helps Google ranking. Examples include currency converters, loan interest calculators and interactive recipes.
  25. Number of outgoing links : Too many dofollow links from our website can “distribute” the PageRank, so the position of our own page will be affected.
  26. Multimedia : Images, videos and other multimedia elements act as a signal of content quality.
  27. Number of internal links : The number of internal links to a page indicates its importance in relation to other pages of the site.
  28. Quality of internal links : Internal links from pages with authority in the domain have a stronger effect than if we do it from pages with low BP.
  29. Broken links : If you have too many broken links it will appear that your site has been abandoned.
  30. Reading level : There is no doubt that Google calculates the level of reading (basic language, technical terms …) of the web pages.
  31. Affiliate links: Affiliate links do not harm your rating unless you have too many.
  32. HTML errors : Many errors in the HTML code penalize.
  33. DA of the page : A page of a domain with authority will position better than a page of a domain with less authority.
  34. PageRank of page : It is not confirmed, but it is assumed that pages with higher PR tend to be classified better than the rest.
  35. URL length : The URL too long can hurt search visibility.
  36. URL path : A page closer to the home page can get a slight increase in authority.
  37. Human editors : Although it is not proven either, Google has filed a patent for a system that allows human editors to influence SERPs.
  38. Category of the page : The category in which the page appears is a sign of relevance. A page that is part of a category related to it gets a boost of relevance.
  39. WordPress Tags : Tags are the WordPress characteristic relevancy signal. It is a good idea to relate post of the same theme with these labels.
  40. Keyword in URL : Another very important factor in positioning.
  41. Text of the URL : Google reads the category of the URL and can guess the theme of the page.
  42. References and Sources : Cite your sources. The Google Quality Guides make you see which are the references when consulting certain pages. However, Google has denied using external links as a classification signal.
  43. Numbered lists : Help break down content for readers, making them easier to use. Google agrees and prefers the content with sections and numbers.
  44. Priority of page in the Sitemap : The priority of a page within the sitemap.xml file can influence the classification.
  45. Too many external links : They distract and hide the content, so Google thinks you do it because it’s not worth it.
  46. Number of other keywords : If the page is classified for several keywords, it can be seen as an internal quality sign.
  47. Age of the page : Although Google prefers new content, an older page that is updated regularly may outperform a new page.
  48. Easy-to-use structure : Improving the user experience allows easy access to content.
  49. Parked domains : An update of Google decreased the search visibility of these domains.
  50. Useful content : It’s the most important thing, make sure you 
  51. Useful content : It’s the most important thing, make sure you have unique and relevant content.

Site factors

New and valuable content : Google has declared that they are pursuing sites that do not provide anything new or useful.

  1. Contact page : Google and also users prefer sites with contact information. If to this we add that it matches your whois information, better than better.
  2. Domain TrustRank : Site trust is an important factor in SEO. It is measured using inbound links from sites with high confidence.
  3. Site architecture: A well-structured architecture helps Google organize your content by topic.
  4. Site updates : The frequency of updates and, especially when new content is added to the site, is a factor to be taken into account.
  5. Number of pages : The number of pages is a factor without much authority, although more is always better.
  6. Presence of Sitemap : A sitemap helps search engines index your pages faster, improving visibility.
  7. Site uptime : A long period of inactivity due to site maintenance or server problems can damage your ranking.
  8. Server location : You can influence the location of your site in different geographic regions. It is important especially for geo-specific searches.
  9. SSL Certificate : Google has confirmed that they index SSL certificates and that they use HTTPS as a positioning factor.
  10. Terms and privacy : These two pages help to tell Google that a site is reliable on the Internet.
  11. Duplicate Meta information on the site : Doubling the meta information on your site can reduce the visibility of your page.
  12. Minimalist navigation : This style of design helps users find what they want more easily, since the distractions within the page are minimal.
  13. Mobile optimization : Responsive design is essential today. Google has also begun to penalize non-responsive sites in searches from mobile devices.
  14. YouTube : It is owned by Google, so there is no doubt that by improving SEO positioning on YouTube , our videos will receive preferential treatment.
  15. Site Usability : A site that is difficult to use or navigate can harm the ranking by reducing time on the site, page views and bounce rate.
  16. Using Google Analytics and Google Tools for webmasters : It is believed that using these two tools on your site can improve their indexing. They can also directly influence the ranking by providing Google with more data to work on.
  17. User Reviews : It seems that they play an important role in the algorithm.

 Link factors 

Domain age : Inbound links from old domains can be more powerful than new domains.

  1. Number of reference domains : It is one of the most important ranking factors in the Google algorithm.
  2. Number of links from different IP addresses : Suggest a greater breadth of sites that link you.
  3. Number of link pages : The total number of pages that link to our website, even if some are in the same domain, is a classification factor.
  4. Alt Tag : The Alt text is the image version of the anchor text.
  5. Links from .edu or .gov domains : It is thought that there are privileges for links from .gov and .edu domains.
  6. Authority of the linking page : The authority of the reference page is an extremely important ranking factor.
  7. Link domain authority: The authority of the reference domain plays a crucial role in the importance of a link.
  8. Competitor links: Links from other pages that appear in the same SERP can be more valuable for positioning a page for that particular keyword.
  9. Page sharing : The number of social actions at page level can influence the value of the link.
  10. Temporary links : Google penalizes people who create and quickly delete spam links.
  11. Guest Posts : Collaborations on external blogs can be a fundamental part of a white hat SEO campaign. Although a contextual link on the page is usually more valuable.
  12. Links to the domain of the website where the page is located : The links to the main page of a reference page can have a special importance when evaluating the weight of a site and, therefore, that of a link.
  13. Links no follow : One of the most controversial topics in SEO. According to Google, they do not usually follow them. But having a certain percentage of no-follow links gives a natural appearance to your network of links.
  14. Diversity of types of links : Having an unusually large percentage of your links comes from a single source will strike you as web-spam. Diversify brings naturalness.
  15. Sponsored links : Words such as “sponsors” or “sponsored links” can decrease the value of a link.
  16. Contextual links : The links embedded within the content of a page are considered more powerful than the links in any other site.
  17. Redirects 301 to the page : The links coming from the 301 redirects diminish the PR.
  18. Anchor Text of links : Provide more accurate descriptions of web pages.
  19. Anchor Text of the internal link : It is another sign of relevance, although probably to a lesser extent than the previous one.
  20. Title of the link : The title of the link (the text that appears when the cursor is passed over it) is also used as an SEO factor.
  21. Title of the link : The title of the link (the text that appears when the cursor is passed over it) is also used as an SEO factor.

The post 100 SEO Secrets for Higher Google Ranking in 2018 appeared first on Conspiracy Talk News.

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