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Kidney Stones: New Therapeutic Device by Dr Allen Revealed

Kidney stones should be dissolved with therapeutic Dr Allen’s Device but not with unsafe Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy and Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy.

Thermobalancing therapy with Dr Allen’s Device dissolves all sizes and types of kidney stones in one or both kidneys painlessly and without any side effects. At a price of up to $ 200, Dr. Allen’s device is a much more economical solution than any surgical procedure, including per-cutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) or extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). Fine Treatment, from Oxford, UK, delivers the device by Royal Mail tracing service world wide within a week.

Kidney stone disease is recurring condition causes much pain and distress to the sufferer. At the same time kidneys are very delicate organs, and require particular care. That is why a kidney stones treatment must be chosen carefully, with all pros and cons considered. 

ESWL that is widely used for about 30-40 years and is considered to be a less traumatic surgical procedure, may develop high blood pressure. The independent Mayo Clinic in the USA has published outcomes of their investigation confirming that patients who underwent lithotripsy, developed diabetes at almost four times the rate of those whose kidney stones were treated therapeutically.

Often patients view a surgery with too much optimism, while all surgical procedures are risky. For instance, about 16 in 100 people have serious side effects straight after PCN, and tater, for about 5 years, people who undergo PCNL are at risk of developing diabetes mellitus.

Dr Simon Allen invented a risk-free treatment option, Thermobalancing therapy and a wearable Dr Allen’s Device. A kidney stones surgery becomes unnecessary when renal calculi can be dissolved naturally. Dr. Allen’s Device dissolves kidney stones naturally by improving blood circulation in both kidneys simultaneously. This therapy tackles the cause of renal calculi formation. Please watch an informative video on how Dr. Allen’s Device has cleared the kidneys of a sufferer with complex kidney stones.

The post Kidney Stones: New Therapeutic Device by Dr Allen Revealed appeared first on Conspiracy Talk News.

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